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Encapsulated PostScript  |  1991-09-04  |  215KB  |  625x825  |  8-bit (128 colors)
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OCR: or aitab Tec xe QU an Austin, TX 78714 at aMot ABSTRACT omput nc nt Te sI tres C++ O ect-Orie ed Li Y COOL) inflecti classes, es, and macros for use by C++ programmers who need to write complex yet portable i T COOL e e i i mec sm is tsli aryt t C ially improves the development and expressive capabilities available to programmers it m to crtacti ams w ne ei 1 to ta n tir ted situations occur. This paper describes the facilities provided by COOL to raise, s se ral a ced free i in a C++ cli finolgy a oup s of its use and flexibility. ne h@ g.t.com classes, tem ates, a macr es C++ O ect-Orie ed Li ary (COOL) is a c lecti rogrammers writing complessapplications. in t li ary f w cha er Its class li ary can fi Arbimportant feature of this library is the ability S/T ne ei o e ectivepland appropriately handlectipe exceptitingin anlapplicationnat runtisonerſhof isjespor ha sie e re C++ c ler im eme ati i facility [ ain ane e i of the COOL dusngibhary, see dhe qlapleť, COOL - ₂C+ke Object Orienty Librare[2].xFpt ona or see t refere e e, COOL User's G [. handl nd proc om xept ons br or progr nd provide ve tion handling facility consists of a set of classes and macros to define, create, raise and handle m eme ed with t COOL macro facility [a S ic e i ca lity [a is mmon Lisp Condition Handling system [1] in that both implement an exception system with the i I sit titt is ten ( Briefl w na am e ers a rtic ar nd ror, it can (1) represent the situation in an exception object, (2) announce that the situation has het xa es¡ um (nt biva to nt al with t sit ti ol i on gf esta is pl continue or proceed from the situation after invoking a handler. One possible action for a ect s and ece Er pt ons hnal a orreth t us raff hi br de ne hi he ow ff tion handg #cilty reßfesthis exceptis as objects Wer in exeption chispad ng e fids er class, a set see ei a set lasses t class, a maler fulfictions. schveral metodoCEPTION, RAISESTOF, and VERIFY - provide xept ons he 4] nd pl nt umpt on. y, he 3] nd ymbol pa ul or unusua omput ng pabi ua on ha of bi or progr ncount by ng he xe pt on, 3) provide ys oc ur de he ua on by de ning nd handl or om pil of oneous nfor on nd he ope on. vide of pr de ne ubc xept on handl of he ba xept on gene T an 08 xept on 6] nd but not bl hing of